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Wednesday 7 December 2011

But I had to say !!

It’s not about the spoken..
It’s not about the forgotten..
It’s what I had to say !!

When the oceans were exploding..
When the volcanoes were erupting..
I had to say !!

When the melodies of life had all the flavors..
When the music of life had all the ragas..
 I had to say !!

When the time didn’t sweep..
When the world didn’t move..
I had to say !!

When there was no air..
When U and I were there..
I had to say !!

There has always been a lot to say..
wish I knew how to say…
Time, we could have seen..
Kindaa  knew it deep within..
I had to say !!

Missing all I cud have said..
missing all I cud have shared..
Missing all I did share..
And all that I did care.

The simplicity lies in staying mum..
The logic suggests holding calm..
But I had to say !!

-Amar Alwani

I like being in Love with you..!!

(on a request frm my sec c friend)

yeah I am doing this today.
As I have reason to write about you

a sodden morning with of your thought
just open my eyes
sight direct on your poster
started playing with my hair ( shows my concentration)
enhaling the fresh breathe this gave
I know you were there yesterday
hiding in my dreams
calling my name softly
suddenly it turned into a cute tune
Oh it was you, sMiLe-ing :: a solo effort
some mazic in that moment
made me feel like turning into duet..
yes, we both were sMile-ing
coz now you know I love you
I wish it will stay,
like the morning
like the beautiful stars showering their energy onto the sky

Its a pure feeling
love you like God
do write to you.
keep many photographs
but never met
I know you can never be mine
still i like being in love with you!!


Monday 5 December 2011

cute dried flowers

I guess being sick is a candy
lying down all d day
in the bliss of solittude
with vacant or in pensive mood
wandering lonely in my dreams

remembering those lovely scenes
which have become the past.
but i want to live them till my last

and then my heart fills with pleasure
when I dance with dose cute dried flowers
poking through those written pages
which i treasured from the ages!!

Thursday 1 December 2011

Rap Rap Rap...!!

<<To be read in one go>>

When I woke up at the morning
I kept on yawning..
Window was peeking in
Night was sneaking in
Small window opening
I thought it was breezing…

I looked for my glasses..
I got few scratches…
the table felt wet
As cold as it cud get…
With a twinkle on my eyes
I looked surprised

I rubbed my eyes
N felt disguised..
None hear me roar..
It covered me  all over..
I looked at the ice
But I had no choice..
I was still shocked…
As If I  slept on a dock..

It was not even December- u  (tried soup touch )
If I cud remember- u
I was amazed man…
It shudnt have snowed then…
I cud hear a bell on phone
And the dream was all gone..

-Amar Alwani