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Tuesday 22 November 2011

we have seen.. all the seasons !!!!!

This story has no ending,
It might get slow.., but it won’t get boring !!
It’s about my most precious raga,
It’s not an story..,  it’s a saga !!
A story about  a few reasons,
2 friends.., and their varying opinions !!

It started wd d colg 6 yrs back,
Initially we both were.. in different tracks !!
Our age had just crossed d bars,
We came to college.. aiming million stars !!
Eye catcher among the millions,
We have seen.. all the seasons !!

With the mystique innocence and simplicity,
The guy had come.. from a small city !!
People admired his passion,
but he waited.. for life to teach him a lesson !!
The second character of the story,
Was an amazing… fun loving chhori !!
With the twinkle in her eyes,
She was a darling.. among the guys !!

Though at first, we were in different tracks,
Different classrooms and.. different Spocs !!
And pretty soon our paths crossed,
and in next few days.. we were sitting across !!
In the beginning I was amazed,
But now I know.. d game God played !!
Together we took all the lessons,
We have seen.. all the seasons !!

With a simple “hi” it started off,
No one knew.. this far it would go !!
From the classroom jokes it continued till Cafeteria,
And within few months,.. we discovered “DOG BARKING Area”
This was the spot where she always sat,
While I used to surf.. the remaining nest !!

The gang was big and crossed twenty,
But we two were.. a little senti !!
“Have found good mate”, we both believed,
But idiot us.. no one revealed !!
Semesters passed and Time went on,
We were so proud.. of our strengthening bond !!
“Friends forever”, was our decision,
We have seen.. all the seasons !!

We fought like crazy every now and then,
People used to enjoy.. our debating trends !!
People loved our smiles and prayed for us,
But there were also a few.. who envied us !!
But this pair hardly cared,
And in this bond..  there was nothing unshared !!

We both cried and laughed together,
Together we enjoyed.. every weather !!
It’s true, there were ON and OFFs,
But both knew, we can’t afford each other’s loss !!
We laughed and fought  for no reasons,
We have seen.. all the seasons !!

The time then paused as college ended,
We both knew.. time can’t bend it !!
We trusted our bond and came more closer,
That was the best time.. we both pondered !!
But destiny came with a twist,
Both fought over something.. not that petite..
We never thought such a  day would come,
No one talked… both were affirmed !!
For the first time we had a reason,
We have seen.. all the seasons !!

This was not a small fight,
As both had egos.. sharper than d light
She was hurt, big time hurt,
And He cud never.. forgive himself for d burst !!
But this tragic time was not the ending,
As it wasn’t such a.. weak binding !!

As beginners  we started again,
But the time that went.. had brought many changes !!
She was not  like how I left,
My friend was lost.. in a  theft !!
I had nothing against that thief,
Nor I could.. express my grief !!
I am a confused, but this was the biggest confusion,
We have seen.. all the seasons !!

It  restarted well and went  like forever,
With time we were.. at our  best like ever..
No big deal, it had to happen,
Both have memories..  unforgotten !!
Still  I felt, I have lost her,
Didn’t want to say..  as that wud hv bothered !!

I barely  know who turned the story,
Both were amazed.. chhora n chhori !!
It was d beginning of a wonderful feeling,
Though there have been wounds.. that don’t know healing
So if I say this, I have my reasons,

That we have seen.. all the seasons !!!!!

-Amar Alwani

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