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Tuesday 22 November 2011

I wish, I wudn’t have gone…

I never loved it
but I cudnt help it
I was no longer a kid ..
No excuses wud have did..
Travelling all alone….
I wish I wudnt have gone…..

M siting in a corner… all squeezed..
Cnt really answr it ws  fear or d breeze…
Looking outside d window….
In a hope dat ds  fear might go..
But yes dat wonderful corner…
Is d best place to see the nature’s order…

I can see trees moving…
Cute but  wobbly huts passing….
People working on their farms…
A few tractors, a few barren lands..
Kids playing with the stones and strands..
A lady tying her hair wd her band…

The kid sitting next to me…
Was also thinking free..
I went into d days when I ws a kid..
Lot many questions and never sticking to seat…
I tried to catch him with motions of my eyes..
He gave me a look completely disguise…
I asked hz name in a Kiddush tone…..

He blushed and hid beneath hz mother’s stole…
Oh I can see my fear fading….
The oxen out thr, masticating..
What’s dat thing , he pointed out…
Dats a “neel gai” I wanted to shout…
Her mother to rescue who answered his query…
Moms are sweetest of all the fairies…

Then started rounds of talking…
Every one boasting of histories n geographies…
I know I was about to get bore..
Cause they all have got a topic for another hour…
Everyone had an opinion on every tiny matter…
Debating out, I could only get a few words n that too shattered..

Again I referred gazing outside the window…
Into d sky watching birds in flocks go…
I wonder whom to praise for d way they gather..
Making such beautiful flocks using their feathers..
Sitting among d strangers and travelling alone….

How I wish, I wudn’t have gone…

-Amar Alwani

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