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Tuesday 22 November 2011

Now finally I am free

Always busy and never free.
I now finally has weekend with meee.
Shall spent time in sleeing or hang with my friends.
Today, no one in my PG and no light,
So cannot connect with my friends,
nor IT world(My laptop/Mobile)
But I will not miss this weekend, no way.

So up to the mountains of creativity I flew.
I went alone, without a crew..
It buzzed around, there was no one to hurt,
it gives me relief of comfort..
picked up some colors and brush...
threw some painting in tarsh..
Finally I found an idea..
its seems to be diiferent
with lots of colors..creativity..
it can be my destiny..
with so much gain..
hope i'll not muck it up again..!!

I'll keep try to fly high till i got it right

Now finally  I am free.
You’re wrong if you think that’s the end.
That is the beginning of my journey....


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